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Some of the projects that I am or was  involved in are Professional  and the others are either Academic or Personal projects which I keep updating as I learn a new skill. 

The personal projects are my way of acquianting myself with a certain technology or domain. These projects help me get an all-round experience in terms of:

  • How the technology works

  • How is it different from other similar technologies

Latest Projects
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It is a Weather Service Android  application which uses the Weather Underground API  to get updated weather data based on city, and current GPS co-ordinates etc. It is integrated with the Google Maps API to display the exact current location and possible safe zones in bad weather.  In case the user is stranded in bad weather, he/she can also use the Emergency Contact feature where the app sends the contact the current location notifying for help.
This app hasn't been released on the PlayStore  since my Weather Underground server api account only supports a  limited number of  calls to the server. 

CHATROOM  -  Web App and Android App


ChatRoom is a private messaging app using Node.js and MongoDB at the server-side. 

The client-side uses HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Hogan.js.
I am also working on an Android interface which will work with the Node Server which is almost complete and its code can be viewed on my github page.


Currently, the features are restricted to private messaging ,Group messaging. 

The future scope of the project includes File Sharing and Proximity Prediction using Natural Language Processing.

Technologies Used: Android, Node.js, MongoDB, Android Studio, JSON, XML,HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Stanford-simple-nlp

Wearable and Mobile Health Monitoring System - WIT

Masters Degree Capstone Project: (In collaboration with Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston)
The aim of the Project was to monitor the vital signs of the user and predict whether the user is healthy or not. The vital signs are monitored using a series of sensors on the user's body which are connected to  a RaspberryPi which communicates with the server and the smartphone. 
The server processes predicts the health  by using Support Vector Machines and Affinity Propagation. The Android App on the smartphone displays the sensor data in real-time and uses it to predict the emotions of the user and provide remedies.
My contribution to the project was developing the Android Application. Used paper prototyping for design , Android Studio for development and implementation and an actual phone for testing the App.

Technologies Used: Android, Node.js , Java, R, JSON

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Educational Data Mining Project

With the  KDD Cup Dataset.
Phase 1: The goal for phase 1 of the Project is to train a model to  predict whether a student will get a correct answer in the first attempt based on the training data provided by an Intelligent Tutoring System. This will give a good insight on the student's learning capability or problems.

Phase 2: Improved on the RMSE of phase 1. Also implemented Clustering algorithms (KMeans and Affinity Propagation) to group students based on their performance.

Technologies used: Python, PyCharm. 

Online Music Store 

CS636 Term project: 
Developed a web and CLI application for a Music Store where customers buy music   albums and download the songs online. 
The application is over a cross-database API which  is connected to 3 databases like Oracle,MySQL,HSQLDB.
Twitter BootStrap was used to provide a responsive UI.
HSQLDB was used for quick local testing of the project. Oracle and MySQL Databases were on remote servers accessed by SSH Tunnels.

Technologies Used: Java, JPA, HTML5, MySQL/Oracle/HSQLDB,Twitter BootStrap,JSP, Junit, SSH Tunnels.  

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Shop Around The World

CS637 Term project: 

It is an E-commerce website that connects the users to the small scale industries of various countries.
Using this website the small scale industries can expand their business globally.
The users also will have access to the traditional wear, cosmetics , edible items which are specific to other countries.
The User interface of this website uses HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery and AJAX to provide the user with the best possible experience.
The scope of this project has been kept limited to the customers viewpoint. Vendors and Products are manually added  through the database.
The future scope is to allow the vendors to create their own profiles and add their products.

Technologies Used: ASP.NET, C#, HTML5, MS SQL Server,AJAX,CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.  

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